Think of it as like a vending machine that will give food to birds.
A man in disguise even posed as a genie.
The numbers may increase soon as several areas have not reported their status yet.
The angry mob even tried breaking the door of his getaway car.
"The cup covered my entire face!"
“This is the strongest tropical cyclone on Earth, thus far, in 2020,” said a meteorologist.
"Love is love. It's hard to know who you're going to fall in love with."
Many of the houses are built on, in, under, or between massive boulders.
"You need to connect the two planets so we make sure we have robust telecom between Mars and back on…
The "egg-nappers" badly wanted a kid of their own.
"I am the biggest victim in this situation," she later said.
A feel-good video with a serious message.
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