
‘Sea Of Plastic’ Found In The Caribbean Stretches 5 Miles And Is Choking Wildlife‘Sea Of Plastic’ Found In The Caribbean Stretches 5 Miles And Is Choking Wildlife

‘Sea Of Plastic’ Found In The Caribbean Stretches 5 Miles And Is Choking Wildlife

The horrifying wave of garbage is destroying a nearby island paradise!

April 21, 2019
Chichicastenango Cemetery, A Colorful Maya Tribute To The Dearly DepartedChichicastenango Cemetery, A Colorful Maya Tribute To The Dearly Departed

Chichicastenango Cemetery, A Colorful Maya Tribute To The Dearly Departed

The Maya believe that making their departed's resting place beautiful eases all worries about mortality.

August 6, 2018
Colombian Drug Smugglers Built Military-Type Stealth Boat to Deliver Drugs UndetectedColombian Drug Smugglers Built Military-Type Stealth Boat to Deliver Drugs Undetected

Colombian Drug Smugglers Built Military-Type Stealth Boat to Deliver Drugs Undetected

According to authorities, the vessel is low-profile, fast, and very hard to detect.

June 20, 2017