Remember: In Japan, correct manners are of huge importance.
One company in Japan is hoping to encourage employees to "quit smoking through incentives rather than penalties or coercion."
Don't worry about having bad breath.
These giant animals are badass!
Apparently, too much work can kill you.
According to the official Nintendo website, Mario is NOT a plumber.
The design aims to enhance the majestic sight of the giant Buddha.
Lulu Hashimoto, the famous "living doll," is the latest trend in Tokyo's fashion modeling scene.
Is there anything the Japanese can't do?
600 barrels containing around 777,000 tons of radioactive waste are about to be dumped in the ocean.
"Make Future So Round" is enough to get you going.
Meet Kuya Omurice, a 23-year old Japanese college student who sells omurice rolls in the streets of Quezon City in…
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