Rays, dolphins, and sharks have been enjoying the waters - with fewer boats, humans, and pollution around.
"I may not have given you the gift of life, but life surely gave me the gift of you."
The mysterious deep-sea fish had not been seen since 1873.
Qingdao city's beach has been overrun by clams, creating a phenomenal shell beach!
It shows how much human beings disrespect marine life.
This fish start from 4 millimeters and can possibly grow up to 600 pounds.
These phantom ships are real. And none of the people on board were ever found---alive, that is.
This is something truly alarming. A new report recently surfaced on the internet claiming that about 60% of the plastic…
In doing so, he saves not only the turtles but us humans too.
Sea urchin, not stonefish, killed tourist, says boyfriend.
Please stop using plastic drinking straws!
Watch the amazing rescue of a Great White shark in Cape Cod.
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