The father is “beyond frustrated” and netizens want her fired from her job!
“OMG I had to do a double take! This is too funny.”
Parents, keep hugging your little ones!
Children who do chores early in life "have good relationships, achieve academic success and are self-sufficient," a research said.
The study shows "how demanding the role of mom can be," along with the endless tasks that come with it.
“There is no screen, video game or app that can replace the relationships built over toys.”
Next time you're tempted to do the task yourself, stop. Your kids need to learn!
"We want to practice what we preach, and normalize a reality where having children and advancing your career are not…
"I don't hang out with people who neglect their children by not vaccinating."
"I know faith helps you walk the righteous path."
Kids are talking with a British accent - and snorting - exactly like the cartoon character.
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