When karma strikes...
A Redditor shares a true to life story about an off-duty cop that saved a young lady from her creepy…
As you can imagine, the police officers were met by great outrage.
The police took his wallet and got all his hard-earned money, but he got his payback big time!
This dramatic CCTV footage shows us a brave man stopping an armed robber by using a chair!
Seriously, this guy needs professional help in one way or another.
Imagine the police's reaction when they see these sketches.
Well, you've got to be kitten me!
In case you're wondering, yes - the cops are now looking for this guy.
This is just so messed up!
"They really were supposed to be there to get him to the nearest healthcare facility," the man's lawyer said.
We tip our hats to these awesome gentlemen of the Italian police force!
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