
A “Prophet” in Malawi Allegedly Sells Soap That Can Wash Away Your SinsA “Prophet” in Malawi Allegedly Sells Soap That Can Wash Away Your Sins

A “Prophet” in Malawi Allegedly Sells Soap That Can Wash Away Your Sins

The soap is sold at $50 per bar.

February 22, 2020
Man Claims He Traveled To 2048 And Came Back To Give Chilling Warning For Next YearMan Claims He Traveled To 2048 And Came Back To Give Chilling Warning For Next Year

Man Claims He Traveled To 2048 And Came Back To Give Chilling Warning For Next Year

A man claims he traveled to the future and came back to warn people about the tragedy that's going to…

October 10, 2017
Pastor In Zimbabwe Claims He Has God’s Direct Phone NumberPastor In Zimbabwe Claims He Has God’s Direct Phone Number

Pastor In Zimbabwe Claims He Has God’s Direct Phone Number

Would you call God more often if you had his number?

May 27, 2017