
Anti-Vaxxers Briefly Shut Down Large COVID-19 Vaccination Site in LAAnti-Vaxxers Briefly Shut Down Large COVID-19 Vaccination Site in LA

Anti-Vaxxers Briefly Shut Down Large COVID-19 Vaccination Site in LA

"If you don't want the vaccine fine, but there are millions of Angelenos that do. 16,000 of your neighbors have…

February 3, 2021
Anti-Lockdown Rioters Burn COVID Testing Center In NetherlandsAnti-Lockdown Rioters Burn COVID Testing Center In Netherlands

Anti-Lockdown Rioters Burn COVID Testing Center In Netherlands

Authorities condemned the act as "not only unacceptable but a slap in the face" of health workers.

January 26, 2021
13 Lone Protesters Spotted Standing Against Racism In The U.S.13 Lone Protesters Spotted Standing Against Racism In The U.S.

13 Lone Protesters Spotted Standing Against Racism In The U.S.

These protesters prove that no voice is ever too small.

July 1, 2020
57 Officers Quit Special Team After 2 Cops Get Sacked for Shoving A 75-Year-Old Protester57 Officers Quit Special Team After 2 Cops Get Sacked for Shoving A 75-Year-Old Protester

57 Officers Quit Special Team After 2 Cops Get Sacked for Shoving A 75-Year-Old Protester

They resigned in support of their two members who are under fire for shoving an old man to the ground.

June 10, 2020
Anti-Vaxxers Are Leading Protests Against California’s Stay-At-Home OrdersAnti-Vaxxers Are Leading Protests Against California’s Stay-At-Home Orders

Anti-Vaxxers Are Leading Protests Against California’s Stay-At-Home Orders

"We have always been about freedom," one of the activists said.

May 5, 2020
Vancouver Protesters Defy Social Distancing, Claim COVID-19 is “Fake News”Vancouver Protesters Defy Social Distancing, Claim COVID-19 is “Fake News”

Vancouver Protesters Defy Social Distancing, Claim COVID-19 is “Fake News”

Spotted among the group are some old people and a child.

April 15, 2020
Vegan Woman In Cow Costume ‘Mourns’ For Meat Products In SupermarketVegan Woman In Cow Costume ‘Mourns’ For Meat Products In Supermarket

Vegan Woman In Cow Costume ‘Mourns’ For Meat Products In Supermarket

Apparently, the bizarre stunt was done to send a message about animal rights.

July 16, 2019
Thailand Police Lay Down Their Weapons, Join Protesters To Fight The PowerThailand Police Lay Down Their Weapons, Join Protesters To Fight The Power

Thailand Police Lay Down Their Weapons, Join Protesters To Fight The Power

Instead of blocking the protesters, the police laid their weapons down and declared a truce.

December 18, 2018
Heartbreaking Photos Show The Final Moments of the Standing Rock Protest CampHeartbreaking Photos Show The Final Moments of the Standing Rock Protest Camp

Heartbreaking Photos Show The Final Moments of the Standing Rock Protest Camp

The protesters set fire to the camp as a symbolic gesture.

March 2, 2017
Chinese Flight Attendants Protest Against this Airline’s Unofficial RitualChinese Flight Attendants Protest Against this Airline’s Unofficial Ritual

Chinese Flight Attendants Protest Against this Airline’s Unofficial Ritual

The company ignored the complaints until the flight attendants' protest went viral over the net.

October 16, 2015