Businessman created profiles of fictitious pastors for a fake religious website and charged people money in exchange for a prayer.
The brain may be responsible for the clash between science and religion.
Do you agree with the kid that dinosaurs are not real because they are not in the bible?
Race and religion should not be the basis for respect and acceptance.
To be fair, that looks like a cool way to use a colander!
Kudos to these Muslims from Ohio for handling an ugly situation the right way.
15 biblical teachings that are often ignored in our times.
This animated video shows us exactly how 5 major religions started to spread across the globe.
They sever the heads of thousands of animals every five years to appease the Hindu goddess Gadhimai.
He sacrificed his life for his wife and asked his boss to keep his hard-earned salary for 20 years.
Sikh man removes turban in public to help a child with head injury and earns praises from many people worldwide.
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