sign language

Young Inventor Creates Smart Gloves That Translate Sign Language Into SpeechYoung Inventor Creates Smart Gloves That Translate Sign Language Into Speech

Young Inventor Creates Smart Gloves That Translate Sign Language Into Speech

Sign-IO could make communication so much easier for the hearing impaired!

February 21, 2019
Heartwarming Moment Mall Santa Surprises Deaf Girl By Using Sign LanguageHeartwarming Moment Mall Santa Surprises Deaf Girl By Using Sign Language

Heartwarming Moment Mall Santa Surprises Deaf Girl By Using Sign Language

"As soon as it happened, the whole area just went silent... People were crying in the crowd," shared the mall…

December 24, 2018
Little Girl Surprises Deaf Parents With Impressive Signing Skills And Adorable Performance.Little Girl Surprises Deaf Parents With Impressive Signing Skills And Adorable Performance.

Little Girl Surprises Deaf Parents With Impressive Signing Skills And Adorable Performance.

This adorable kid steals the show as she signs holiday songs for deaf parents.

December 27, 2015