smart dogs

Dude Trained His Dog To Open The Door And Collect Packages When He’s OutDude Trained His Dog To Open The Door And Collect Packages When He’s Out

Dude Trained His Dog To Open The Door And Collect Packages When He’s Out

Well-trained dog collects a package from a courier.

September 23, 2020
Clever Dog Rings Doorbell at 2AM After Being Locked Out Of The HouseClever Dog Rings Doorbell at 2AM After Being Locked Out Of The House

Clever Dog Rings Doorbell at 2AM After Being Locked Out Of The House

Her owners initially thought it was an intruder!

November 13, 2019
Two Impatient Dogs Drive and Crash Their Owner’s Car Into Walmart While She ShopsTwo Impatient Dogs Drive and Crash Their Owner’s Car Into Walmart While She Shops

Two Impatient Dogs Drive and Crash Their Owner’s Car Into Walmart While She Shops

It's a case of a dog's park being worse than its bite.

August 23, 2016