It's truly concerning if you're his passenger.
"I'm 27 now. I don't want to go. I love my life... But the control is out of my hands."
When you're gonna tell a lie online, prepare for some good roasting.
The sick game requires teens to go missing for 48 hours. Whoever gets the most social media hits wins.
"My wife is gonna kill me!"
A former Facebook executive says Facebook is manipulating its users.
I definitely can't wait to see what happens next!
You will be surprised with some key information the site knows about you.
Be careful on who you talk to on Facebook. They might be another con-artists trying to get instant money from…
People are calling it the spiciest noodle ever. Can you handle it?
A wanted man lost to a Facebook dare with the police and he finally ended up behind the bars.
Faith in humanity restored!
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