Storm Gertrude

Terrifying Moment Ship Was Bombarded by 100-foot Waves During Storm in the North SeaTerrifying Moment Ship Was Bombarded by 100-foot Waves During Storm in the North Sea

Terrifying Moment Ship Was Bombarded by 100-foot Waves During Storm in the North Sea

Would you have laughed or cried if you saw 100-foot waves heading your way?

February 15, 2016
Scary Footage Shows What It’s Like To Get Stuck In A Violent Storm While You’re At SeaScary Footage Shows What It’s Like To Get Stuck In A Violent Storm While You’re At Sea

Scary Footage Shows What It’s Like To Get Stuck In A Violent Storm While You’re At Sea

OMG! Some of the waves measured 100 feet in height!

February 12, 2016