He got an awesome reward for his efforts!
“In a country that is continuously fed that it's so deeply divided by beliefs, I want her life to be…
It's a great advice for every family in any situation.
Teaching at a low income school "can be heartbreaking," according to this teacher. Fortunately, there are good people out there!
It all started with a desperate last-minute search for a wedding date.
When you do good, good comes back to you.
Truly heartwarming. This guy has to be the nicest stranger ever!
Ignore all your "stranger danger" instincts and take a ride on the wild side...
Child predator on the radar. Know what to do in situations like this.
He gave the kid a doll. He gave us hope and inspiration.
Will you have the guts to step in and help out in this incident or would just turn a blind…
A stranger blessed her life for doing something; nobody has ever done for her. It totally changed her life!
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