
Glaciers Are Rapidly Melting At An Alarming Rate, Says ExpertsGlaciers Are Rapidly Melting At An Alarming Rate, Says Experts

Glaciers Are Rapidly Melting At An Alarming Rate, Says Experts

The speed has “doubled over the past two decades,” according to a new study.

May 3, 2021
Sleeping Less Than 6 Hours In Middle Age Increases Dementia Risk, Says New StudySleeping Less Than 6 Hours In Middle Age Increases Dementia Risk, Says New Study

Sleeping Less Than 6 Hours In Middle Age Increases Dementia Risk, Says New Study

Here's a warning for the sleep-deprived...

April 30, 2021
Britain ‘No Longer In A Pandemic,’ New Research ClaimsBritain ‘No Longer In A Pandemic,’ New Research Claims

Britain ‘No Longer In A Pandemic,’ New Research Claims

Britain has “moved from a pandemic to an endemic situation,” experts said.

April 24, 2021
Fact Check: Can Mouthwash Help Prevent Covid-19 Transmission?Fact Check: Can Mouthwash Help Prevent Covid-19 Transmission?

Fact Check: Can Mouthwash Help Prevent Covid-19 Transmission?

"Mouthwashes could present a strategy to either dampen or reduce viral load, to potentially restrict virus transmission in the current…

January 16, 2021
Covid-19 Virus Can Remain Infectious in Paper Money for 28 Days, Recent Study ClaimsCovid-19 Virus Can Remain Infectious in Paper Money for 28 Days, Recent Study Claims

Covid-19 Virus Can Remain Infectious in Paper Money for 28 Days, Recent Study Claims

It can remain active in certain surfaces in areas with low temperatures as well.

October 13, 2020
Researchers Confirm Infectious Coronavirus in Hospital AirResearchers Confirm Infectious Coronavirus in Hospital Air

Researchers Confirm Infectious Coronavirus in Hospital Air

There's viable virus in aerosols.

August 13, 2020
Satellite Images Suggest Coronavirus May Have Hit Wuhan in August, NOT DecemberSatellite Images Suggest Coronavirus May Have Hit Wuhan in August, NOT December

Satellite Images Suggest Coronavirus May Have Hit Wuhan in August, NOT December

A Harvard study tells us the disease likely started spreading way earlier than reported.

June 10, 2020
COVID-19 Patients With High Blood Pressure Have Double The Risk of Dying, Study SaysCOVID-19 Patients With High Blood Pressure Have Double The Risk of Dying, Study Says

COVID-19 Patients With High Blood Pressure Have Double The Risk of Dying, Study Says

"Nearly half of the patients who died had high blood pressure," according to researchers.

June 8, 2020
First Cases Of COVID-19 Contracted From Infected Corpses Reported in ThailandFirst Cases Of COVID-19 Contracted From Infected Corpses Reported in Thailand

First Cases Of COVID-19 Contracted From Infected Corpses Reported in Thailand

Thai health experts are urging morgue and funeral home workers to use protective gears when handling corpses of those who…

April 15, 2020
Endangered Pangolins May Have Helped Spread nCoV in China, Says New StudyEndangered Pangolins May Have Helped Spread nCoV in China, Says New Study

Endangered Pangolins May Have Helped Spread nCoV in China, Says New Study

Aside from bats, experts are looking at pangolins as another likely source of the coronavirus.

February 8, 2020
UV Light Shows How Far Men’s Urine Spreads When They Pee Standing UpUV Light Shows How Far Men’s Urine Spreads When They Pee Standing Up

UV Light Shows How Far Men’s Urine Spreads When They Pee Standing Up

Apparently, standing while peeing creates "thousands of unseen droplets" that reach as far as 36 inches.

July 15, 2019