
4,000 Iranian Women Are Training Hard In The Desert To Be Female Ninja Rangers4,000 Iranian Women Are Training Hard In The Desert To Be Female Ninja Rangers

4,000 Iranian Women Are Training Hard In The Desert To Be Female Ninja Rangers

These female ninjas “learn to climb and jump walls, hide in the mountains and slice the neck of a rival…

June 7, 2017
Meet The Fat Dad Who Bulked Up And Became An MMA Fighter After DivorceMeet The Fat Dad Who Bulked Up And Became An MMA Fighter After Divorce

Meet The Fat Dad Who Bulked Up And Became An MMA Fighter After Divorce

Now that's a pretty impressive transformation!

January 14, 2016
ISIS Fighter Fires RPG Through a Hole in a Wall, Blows Himself Up InsteadISIS Fighter Fires RPG Through a Hole in a Wall, Blows Himself Up Instead

ISIS Fighter Fires RPG Through a Hole in a Wall, Blows Himself Up Instead

Some would think it was his karma.

December 5, 2015
This Curious Pup Named Freddy Tried a Different Kind of Fun on His Own!This Curious Pup Named Freddy Tried a Different Kind of Fun on His Own!

This Curious Pup Named Freddy Tried a Different Kind of Fun on His Own!

He left his pack and went for a stroll until he found a pool... it's so cute!

May 8, 2015