viral video

Clever Seagull Gets Yummy Treats By Doing A Hilarious Trick

This impressive creature gets what he wants by entertaining humans. Check out what he does in this awesome video.

July 13, 2016

Man Finds Huge Lizard ‘Knocking’ On His Door

If I see that on my door, I'm going to pass out!

June 25, 2016

Prankster Receives Online Backlash Over Savage Viral Video

His girlfriend was sleeping and so this prankster cut her hair.

May 7, 2016

Kid Eats Skunk Spray-Flavored Jelly Bean! You Can Guess What Happens Next.

A boy thinks he can handle the challenge of biting into a jelly bean that tastes pretty awful...but nausea proves…

December 14, 2015

Sculpture Warned “Do Not Look Into The Eyes.” People Ignored it and Suffered the Consequences

This head sculpture came with a warning - and those who willfully disobeyed had to pay the price.

July 8, 2015

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