
Sophie Turner Says If She Can Wear Mask During Birth ‘You Can At Walmart’Sophie Turner Says If She Can Wear Mask During Birth ‘You Can At Walmart’

Sophie Turner Says If She Can Wear Mask During Birth ‘You Can At Walmart’

The Game of Thrones star has a message for anti-maskers...

December 21, 2020
Shoplifter Gets Arrested After Wearing ‘I Pooped Today’ Shirt TwiceShoplifter Gets Arrested After Wearing ‘I Pooped Today’ Shirt Twice

Shoplifter Gets Arrested After Wearing ‘I Pooped Today’ Shirt Twice

Authorities managed to track him down, thanks to his shirt's design!

August 3, 2020
Gross Girl Licks Ice Cream and Puts It Back on ShelfGross Girl Licks Ice Cream and Puts It Back on Shelf

Gross Girl Licks Ice Cream and Puts It Back on Shelf

Now she's in serious trouble after the police discovered her identity.

July 10, 2019
Walmart Employee Gets Down On The Floor To Let A Lady Who Suddenly Fainted Lean On HimWalmart Employee Gets Down On The Floor To Let A Lady Who Suddenly Fainted Lean On Him

Walmart Employee Gets Down On The Floor To Let A Lady Who Suddenly Fainted Lean On Him

Now that's what true customer service is all about.

September 18, 2018
Toronto Cop Buys Items Shoplifter Tried To Steal, Helps Him Land A Job InsteadToronto Cop Buys Items Shoplifter Tried To Steal, Helps Him Land A Job Instead

Toronto Cop Buys Items Shoplifter Tried To Steal, Helps Him Land A Job Instead

Sometimes, people need a helping hand instead of a punishment to help turn their life around... and often it's more…

June 21, 2018
Walmart Just Filed a Patent for Autonomous Robot BeesWalmart Just Filed a Patent for Autonomous Robot Bees

Walmart Just Filed a Patent for Autonomous Robot Bees

It's like straight out of a Black Mirror episode.

March 18, 2018
Guy Pranks Gorgeous Girlfriend With Vibrating Panties Inside WalmartGuy Pranks Gorgeous Girlfriend With Vibrating Panties Inside Walmart

Guy Pranks Gorgeous Girlfriend With Vibrating Panties Inside Walmart

Can she make it without having a "reaction"?

October 4, 2017
Walmart Security Falsely Accuses a Long-time Shopper of Stealing, Regrets It Big TimeWalmart Security Falsely Accuses a Long-time Shopper of Stealing, Regrets It Big Time

Walmart Security Falsely Accuses a Long-time Shopper of Stealing, Regrets It Big Time

He was forced to retreat to his office in shame.

July 29, 2017
Dad Drags Daughter by the Hair at Walmart and the Internet Screams Child AbuseDad Drags Daughter by the Hair at Walmart and the Internet Screams Child Abuse

Dad Drags Daughter by the Hair at Walmart and the Internet Screams Child Abuse

A shopper who witnessed a father pull his daughter along by her hair at a Texas Walmart snapped a photo…

September 27, 2016