
5 Sunny Places To Visit In Europe This Winter5 Sunny Places To Visit In Europe This Winter

5 Sunny Places To Visit In Europe This Winter

Would you visit one of these stunning European locales?

October 30, 2019
Frozen Lake Michigan Shattered In Millions Of Pieces In Breathtaking PhotosFrozen Lake Michigan Shattered In Millions Of Pieces In Breathtaking Photos

Frozen Lake Michigan Shattered In Millions Of Pieces In Breathtaking Photos

These pictures look like they were taken from a fairy tale book!

March 31, 2019
Chilling Footage Shows Man Leaving A Baby On The Street At -20 Degrees TemperatureChilling Footage Shows Man Leaving A Baby On The Street At -20 Degrees Temperature

Chilling Footage Shows Man Leaving A Baby On The Street At -20 Degrees Temperature

He left the poor baby during the time when the temperature plunged to -20 degrees.

February 26, 2018
‘Coldest Village’ on Earth Breaks Town Thermometer and Freezes Eyelashes‘Coldest Village’ on Earth Breaks Town Thermometer and Freezes Eyelashes

‘Coldest Village’ on Earth Breaks Town Thermometer and Freezes Eyelashes

And yet people and students still go to work and school, despite the extreme weather.

January 18, 2018
Game Warden Shoots at Two Deer with Tangled Antlers, Frees Them with One “Lucky Shot”Game Warden Shoots at Two Deer with Tangled Antlers, Frees Them with One “Lucky Shot”

Game Warden Shoots at Two Deer with Tangled Antlers, Frees Them with One “Lucky Shot”

With one bullet shot, two beautiful animals get another chance to survive.

February 15, 2017
Family Lives a Surprisingly Warm and Cozy Life in the Arctic CircleFamily Lives a Surprisingly Warm and Cozy Life in the Arctic Circle

Family Lives a Surprisingly Warm and Cozy Life in the Arctic Circle

Their solar geodesic dome withstands the most forbidding and extreme weather conditions.

February 14, 2017
Artist Makes a Christmas Surprise on Windows of a Children’s HospitalArtist Makes a Christmas Surprise on Windows of a Children’s Hospital

Artist Makes a Christmas Surprise on Windows of a Children’s Hospital

Be amazed on how exceptional this artist is! See the astonishing window artwork he made for the children in the…

December 30, 2015
Become The Ultimate Couch Potato with This Traditional Japanese InventionBecome The Ultimate Couch Potato with This Traditional Japanese Invention

Become The Ultimate Couch Potato with This Traditional Japanese Invention

They never fail to amaze us with their incredible inventions!

October 30, 2015
This Guy Made His Pet Hibernate Inside a Box in a Fridge for Four Months!This Guy Made His Pet Hibernate Inside a Box in a Fridge for Four Months!

This Guy Made His Pet Hibernate Inside a Box in a Fridge for Four Months!

This is quite a unique way to keep a pet in check during the winter!

April 14, 2015