
Ahead of Yulin Dog Meat Festival, Chinese Officials Remind That Dogs Are “Pets – Not Food!”Ahead of Yulin Dog Meat Festival, Chinese Officials Remind That Dogs Are “Pets – Not Food!”

Ahead of Yulin Dog Meat Festival, Chinese Officials Remind That Dogs Are “Pets – Not Food!”

"Each year, thousands of dogs are captured and transported under horrific conditions, bound for the annual Dog Meat Festival."

June 19, 2020
This Woman Spent $1,100 and Travelled 1,500 Miles to Save 100 Dogs from Yulin FestivalThis Woman Spent $1,100 and Travelled 1,500 Miles to Save 100 Dogs from Yulin Festival

This Woman Spent $1,100 and Travelled 1,500 Miles to Save 100 Dogs from Yulin Festival

Like Yang, we need to take action to put an end to this vicious tradition.

June 25, 2015
Thousands of Dogs Killed And Eaten Every Year in China For the Yulin Festival.Thousands of Dogs Killed And Eaten Every Year in China For the Yulin Festival.

Thousands of Dogs Killed And Eaten Every Year in China For the Yulin Festival.

This is a brutal tradition that must be stopped!

June 22, 2015