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Newspaper Prop, The Unnoticed Star Of TV And Movies For Over 50 Years





We often see a familiar scene on the television and in the movies where the actors are seen holding and reading a newspaper. What’s really fascinating is that it took us more than 50 years to realize that these characters, from TV to the movies, have been holding the same newspaper prop in all those scenes.

It is astonishing that the headlines “She’s 3rd Brightest But Hard Gal To See” and “UN Debates Mideast Crisis: Hopes for Early Solution” have been shown every year for more than five decades already. From television shows like the Desperate Housewives, Married with Children, and Modern Family, to movie greats such as No Country for Old Men, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and so much more, this same newspaper can be seen appearing time and time again.

Why did we miss it?

Source: Reel Rundown

Source: Reel Rundown
Studies suggest that we tend to focus our attention on a more specific and important aspect of the scene.

Source: Reel Rundown

Source: Reel Rundown
The newspaper being a small aspect, we tend to ignore them.

Source: Reel Rundown

Source: Reel Rundown
It is what experts call Selective Attention.

Source: Reel Rundown

Source: Reel Rundown
You may be wondering where this newspaper came from.

Source: Reel Rundown

Source: Reel Rundown

On a more in-depth examination, it was noticed that the “superstar” newspaper was first made by the Earl Hays Press, one of the oldest prop makers manufacturers in California.

They have been making items for films from as early as 1925.

Source: Reel Rundown

Source: Reel Rundown

Aside from newspaper props, they also design and create custom items to be used in movie productions, such as magazines, posters, signs, cans, bottles and many more.

Why use the same prop every year?

Source: Reel Rundown

Source: Reel Rundown

According to the movie staff, it is much safer and cheaper for movie and TV companies to use newspaper props than to get clearance from an actual publishing company.

You can check out the sample photos to see for yourself.

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